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A first time mummy who loves to share her passion for cooking healthy meals with fellow mummies and daddies . What is more gratifying than our little ones enjoying their meals . Healthy babies, Happy babies !

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Baked Honey & Vegemite Chicken

Just gotten back from our little holiday in Australia and decided to make some tummy vegemite dish to introduce to my LO so what's easier than baked chicken !

500g chicken pieces
1 tbsp vegemite
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp honey
2 clove of garlic (chopped)

Marinate the chicken in vegemite , sesame oil, garlic and honey and leave it in the fridge for at least 3 hours.  Overnight is best but I did not have the time .

Bake the chicken for 15-20 min at 200 degrees until it is nice and brown.